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March 13, 2019

Wearing emotion, surprise and joy for a Dream.

El Solferino es un barrio donde abunda la alegría. Allí se viven experiencias únicas de la mano de los vecinos. Los colores que se ven en las casas y en las personas, son solo una muestra del cariño y las relaciones de solidaridad que se dan dentro den un barrio popular. On Sunday 10 de […]
December 31, 2018

Recreational Vacations

Las Vacaciones Recreativas son una iniciativa que se realiza en Manizales por la Fundación Comunitaria Huellas de Vida. Son una serie de actividades lúdicas, educativas y recreativas que se ofrecen a los niños y niñas de la comuna Ciudadela del Norte en Julio y Diciembre, específicamente en sus vacaciones escolares. Esto se realiza con la […]
December 25, 2018

Solferino: Solidarity Memories, Absence and Re-Existence

Last Saturday 22 December Traces of Life Community Foundation conducted the inauguration of the magazine “Solferino: Solidarity Memories, Absence and Re-Existence”. The event had the participation of different groups in the city and residents of different neighborhoods of the northern citadel commune. En la gaceta se cuenta parte de […]
December 4, 2018

Lights for Peace and Reconciliation

Community Foundation Traces of Life, for more than 12 years, Citadel is developing in the North commune, city ​​of Manizales, Projects, processes and social activities of leisure and recreational type, artistic and cultural, educational, environmental and technological;  desde hace 4 años realiza el proyecto de economía solidaria “Luces por la paz y la […]
October 18, 2016

Relationship Area

It is divided into three axes: La relación con las universidades tanto públicas como privadas. Se gestionan becas y oportunidades de investigación, deformation, of seminars, of symposiums and to participate in academic events that make it possible to project the relationship territory/community/neighborhood with the academy. Permanently establish dialogues between scientific knowledge and popular knowledge.   He […]
October 18, 2016

Internal area

It is composed of three main axes: La formación política, which is ongoing training with the entire foundation team, where they think of themselves as ethical-political subjects and carry out permanent recreational training activities as an important element in education. In it the other is listened to and popular knowledge is recognized. Integrations. Para la […]