
October 18, 2016

Relationship Area

It is divided into three axes: La relación con las universidades tanto públicas como privadas. Se gestionan becas y oportunidades de investigación, deformation, of seminars, of symposiums and to participate in academic events that make it possible to project the relationship territory/community/neighborhood with the academy. Permanently establish dialogues between scientific knowledge and popular knowledge.   He […]
October 18, 2016

Internal area

It is composed of three main axes: La formación política, which is ongoing training with the entire foundation team, where they think of themselves as ethical-political subjects and carry out permanent recreational training activities as an important element in education. In it the other is listened to and popular knowledge is recognized. Integrations. Para la […]
October 18, 2016

Productive Area

It is made up of two large projects that allow the generation of a solidarity economy in the territory: memory canvases (HistoriArte). It is a project of tourist tours of the Solferino neighborhood through the murals. Art tells the stories of the neighborhood, their problems, his memoirs and more. Es un proyecto que logra mostrar la cara […]
October 18, 2016

Process Area

It has several approaches: The first is the leadership training school. It is the base group of the foundation and has the task of dynamizing all the projects and initiatives of the foundation. It is called a leadership training school because all the members are trained to be leaders inside and outside the territory, […]