Wearing emotion, surprise and joy for a Dream.

Recreational Vacations
December 31, 2018
Women and men, same construction.
March 27, 2019
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El Solferino es un barrio donde abunda la alegría. Allí se viven experiencias únicas de la mano de los vecinos. Los colores que se ven en las casas y en las personas, son solo una muestra del cariño y las relaciones de solidaridad que se dan dentro den un barrio popular.

On Sunday 10 de marzo fue uno de los mejores momentos para conocer una de estas experiencias. Una actividad que tenía como propósito recoger fondos para la construcción de la sede de la Fundación Comunitaria Huellas de Vida, He served as an excuse to bring people together and offer a day full of emotions, surprises and smiles.

On the back of the school, next to the mural that bears our slogan "My neighborhood is not as it looks, It is colorful "people looked with wonder and joy that which was being sold in less than four thousand pesos ($4.000). It was stylish shirts for youth. anxiety wear the shoes I had just bought two thousand pesos showed in the eyes of a grandfather. A woman passerby, He could not help but come and ask for a bag that had seen from afar; He said when he arrived that bag combined perfectly with what she was wearing.

The closure of the activity was made Dean, a great musician who is lead singer of the band Manizales Fire in the air and a great artist Fire, who hurled through the air their small sticks burning at the ends.




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